These days you all must be listening/reading about the Cloud Storage here and there but do you often use cloud computing? I don't think so!!!! Cloud is given the name for this type of computing because clouds are every where, where ever you go in any part of the world. So this is a technology that enables you to store and compute the data on the cloud, it means you can store, retrieve and compute the data any where.
This technology is based upon the internet because it is available in almost in every part of the world and so does clouds. You can use the internet to store the data online on cloud storage and can use the data any where you need. In this case you need not to save your data on multiple locations, carry pen drives, use external hard drives and the most important benefit of this is that your data gets protected from hard drive and window crashes which is very much common. Moreover, the replication of data also get reduced and you need not to buy many storage medias and keep safe with you. You just need to have a password and that to in your mind.
Many cloud storage services provides you free of cost data storage but a few Gigabytes only. Its simple phenomenon, the more data you need to store the more you pay but still it is one of the cheap and safe mechanism to store the data. The most popular Google what we think is just a search engine give a 15 GB drive with every email id and in spite of that, it gives you computing facility also so that you need not to install basic software on your system. You can create and edit your presentations on the way to a trip with just a smart phone or with a tablet and you need not to have MS Office installed in the device. You can read more about functionality of Google drive here.
So guys forget the pen drives and external storage devices and switch on to cloud for better way of storage and safety of data.